Thursday, 26 Dec 2013
Am feeling blessed and thankful.. To have supportive parent and a loving husband. 3 lovely children. And a bunch of great sisters. Am particular close with my 3rd & 5th sisters. Love my youngest sis too. Only angry with her at times when she dont heed advices. But, I do also needa remind myself that she had grown up now. She has her own thinking too.
She is just so simple minded. So I love her.
The person who's reading this must be wondering why. Read on then.
I married a man 7 yrs my senior when I was 16 yrs old. My ex husband. Father of my 2 boys. The marriage didnt work out with him being an extremely MCP man & myself immature enough to know what love is.
Family violence and abusing happened countless times. There was once I got a blow (box) on my face in the public by my ex husband. My eldest boy, been through the most with me. When he was about Yurou's age, he got bashed towards the wall by his dad, resulting his left ear not able to listen properly and 80% lost of his left eyesight till now.
Countless of abuses took place. Was pinned down, with his legs stamping on my head while being pinned down, all one cant imagine.
That blow i got in public by my ex husband, both younger sisters were besides me. One was carrying my 2nd son who was still 7 months old and another was holding my eldest boy's hand who was 2.5 yrs old. My sisters were still very small too at that time.. They both were too in shock and they both cried upon seeing that.
Was not allowed to visit my parent as and when I wanted unless special festive season like CNY. Because my ex husband didnt like me to.
During those times, i thought its nature and common for a husband to raise their hands and its only right that i should listen and obey. I was too timid and scare to move on. Esp when we have 2 children. Endured for 7 years till the last straw was the hit my boy received. That marriage last for 7 years.
My 2 younger sisters especially the 5th, she cried and worry for me so much since young. Cos they often see me in bruises.
As she started to gets more mature, she shared with me how a man should treat his wife. And gave me her moral support, encourage me to move myself forward into order to be better in life and can better look after my sons.
On that day, i remembered she accompanied me back to get my NRIC to register my boys for sch near my parent house. But was caught & stopped by my ex husband, who later wanted to push me down the house (7th storey). My 5th sister was crying at the same time helped during the struggling (keeping away him from coming near me). Police officers came and cuffed him to the station. Was devasted then. Heart broke seeing him cuffed up. My 5th sis was with me during that one of the most difficult time.
Was granted imed divorce and PPO by the court. Proceedings were specially arranged with me in a room separately from the courtroom chamber. Was done in a video manner. As that time i was in a completely unstable state. I was scare, to be exact. The difficult part was, he pestered me and my family members for another 3 years before he decided to put it a stop. He punched my dad on his face and created trouble during the 3 years after the divorce.
Anger overcome him. Too much.
Now and then, my dad will tell me. " 幸好你那时离开。不然可能你现在不在了"
So now its not difficult to guess they are considered 'half' siblings ya. But I am thankful the 2 boys love their youngest sister....
Today leh.. I feel blessed. I am happily married with a loving husband and my children loves each other. 😊

Now my daughter bully the son of the man who bullied me last time. Hahahaha!!

Actually never thought that I would remarry again. If I had not met this man & his gentleness touches me. I guess I will remain single. Then wont have Yurou le.
A child in a family showered with both parent's love is a most 幸福 & happy child..
Not able to give my 2 boys the same environment back then, is my 遗憾。
10 years ago around this time, nearer to CNY. After a final outburst, brought them both down to my dad's place with only about 20 bucks. That time, had to settle a lot things. Like registering both of them in their new school (1st boy was K1 & 2nd boy Pre Nursery, Yurou's age), find a lawyer to represent my case for divorce proceedings etc.
Why 20 bucks? Cos my ex husband had withdrew all the monies from our joint account the next hour after I left with my boys. He wants to have the kids thou. But I simply cant leave them with him. Cos kids are at times rowdy and he is not able to control his anger. Am their mother, am responsible for their well being. I need to protect them....
Thou it was hard. But I know I should do this. Dont want them to hate me when they grow up...
Then again, with my parent and sisters support. Especially my 3rd sister (who has been a prison officer for about 10 years till now) and @qiuqiu . Sanjie supported me financially. Whereas @qiuqiu supported me by looking after my boys when i go work and her morale support is my motivation.
Got a full time job(HR), did weekend flea markets and a part time job in a wholesale shop. It was not easy but fruitful. Cos my boys are really obedient and they loves me a lot....

A family photo taken by @qiuqiu 's husband, my most love bro in law, Joshua.

A photo taken about 5 years ago. It's not easy to find a photo with my eldest boy smile, if you notice.

Eldest boy witnessed too many times of abuses which took place in the family.. Makes him an angry child was my biggest worry back then.. Whereas for 2nd, he is all along a happy boy cos he was looked after and stayed with my papa since day 3 he was born. So he had not witnessed much. That makes him a happier boy.

Now, everything is good already. Managed to have him smiling now and all Thanks to God. After accepting Christ into my life, into me, 7 years ago, things have changed drastically.
My purpose of sharing these, is hoping all adults should be responsible for the well being of their child. Struggled quite a lot before the decision of my second marriage. Cos it is said that we are supposed to be The Virtue Wife, to endure. And are not supposed to divorce / remarry.. Also was thinking if the man can treat my boys as his own? If my boys can accept this man?
All these worries me back then.
Finally I decided to, after 5 years knowing my current husband and married him in 2011.
I decided to remarry because my husband touches me with his 💖... For me and my boys.... 😍😍😍 My family members call him Yi Guan Shu (if you watch 夜市人生 you will know). Lolololols

Five of us! 2 years ago.

2 of my love ones..
Wo de hubby so sweet.... 😍😍😍😍😍
Told him to buy me food on his way back. He asked me, "baby 那你一整天有吃东西吗" Told him no, cos I was busy designing floral.
Then he say, "哎哟 baby 你每次这样不行的, 等下又胃痛怎么办" "那想吃什么我等下买"...... 😍😍😍😍
7 years already... Yet now everyday we are like just fall in love for one week... 感恩。
Saturday, 11 Jan 2014
Pearl story-Final (我的第二春)
Husband just gave me a kiss and said, "sorry baby 对不起"
Seriously. I seriously got a BIG fright of my life.
I stopped drafting emails for a moment, looked at him, asked, "作么,? 讲来"
He say, "我忘了我们的结婚纪念日。本来圣诞节有一直提醒自己的" "今天想起的时候已经过了两天"
I imed act angry, "Orh 你 hor. 还讲用时间证明。第 3 年就忘了结婚纪念日"! 😠
He feel sad la. Keep saying sorry. Then I told him, its ok... So long as we love each other, everyday is a 纪念日啦。
Of cos I let the matter rest la. Walao. I also totally forgot too ah. 😅
Too busy. Too busy.
Needa go way back after my divorce, worked real hard to support the boys. Became stronger & stronger. Stronger in terms of position & respect held in work.
Landed in a company (a bakery with 3 outlets when I joined). Was a Secretary, cum HRM, cum Marketing, cum Finance, cum Sales 总之 is CUM KAR LIAO 就是了。Because I am the only person in the office. Had 2 bosses who are clueless about setting up an office, with proper administration & finance works.
That job was recommended by 2nd sis, which one of the boss is her friend. Was told they needed someone to set up a corporate office. So I took up the job somewhere in 2005.
A year later, the co was expanded into 7 then 9 outlets. Assisted to recruit workers from the mainland China.
Now. Here's the point. Hehehe.
Hubby was the fourth PRC worker in the first batch to come. Chosen by me from a stack of resumes. He paid a cool 11k SGD to the agent just to come to Singapore to work.
Hubby was cheated by his agent back in China. Cos he was told a different set of benefits before his brothers sent him here.
Hub came from a pretty well to do family back in China. (Of cos, this i only knew it after we got together). When he just came, to me he's just a colleague of a lower position.
(Okie, I admit. After my divorce and before 2006, the year I met with a serious accident, I used to be the Strict est, Fierce est, Gross est, Suckiest, Bitch in workplace)
Cos after the divorce, I thought behaving stronger will protect myself and my boys better. Than we will not be bullied again...
So, when all new PRC workers (including my hub) report to the office, to me. I will let them have a briefing on company's rules and regulations like a YA YA PAPAYA. Was really strict and fierce to all of them..
Aiya, now I think back, I so gross.....
When hub came into my office, he didnt knock the door. When he entered, my bitchness acted up again. Told him to get out of my room, then knock, before he enter my room. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT.. He is my husband now!
I actually did that! I was so bad... 😔
Well, he did as told.... Bad bad bad me!
I really thought I have to behave that way in order to see to 250 headcounts back then. With 2 of the bosses clueless about SOPs and being systematic. They are more on operation matters.
Trying to see if I have a pic to show of myself back then. But no. Cos was not very well liked that time. So nobody wanna take pic with me... 😔

Hub during his first year in Singapore! Poor baby... Gotta work 15 to 16 hours a day back then. With a $800 basic and $3 per hour as OT....
He was given 2 choices by his brother. 1st is to open a bakery shop in China or 2nd is to go out to see the world.
2nd was his choice obviously. 😊
And me, continued my style UNTILL........
5th Sept 2006. 👧🚨🚑🚑🚑 Met with an accident. Coma, bones fractured in my leg, bed ridden for 2 months, wheelchaired & adult pampers for 4 months, clutches for 4 months.
When that accident happened, I thought I will be gone for good. Then 我就不用这么辛苦了。Appear to be strong and being a bitch is not easy.. I just thought I will be able to protect myself and my sons more by behaving that way?
After the operation, in coma still, i can hear my sisters, sons & family members crying besides me in e ward.
Those months on wheelchair, papa pushed me to church, mom & dad assisted me with baths & changing of pampers, etc
My papa pushed me in wheelchair to church! 😭
Finally went back to work on clutches still after those months.
There. Lai liao. Hub. Looked after me, sent me to and fro for cab for 4 months, bought me food to the office, see me to my toilet trips etc etc.
Everyday. Without fail. Be it rain or shine.
We'll skip some details here.
Till... I told him, erm.... 对不起以前我对你那样坏.... He say, 没事! Haha. Typical chinese words to say.
Then I continued, erm.... 我好像爱上你了。
HE GOT A SHOCK! To think he told me, 你不要吓我。我们不可能。

Say what 不可能 lor! See how chio I used to be?! To think he rejected me ah?! Paiseh to the max la! First time I said to a guy that ah.
But really. Come to think back. If he were just to make use of me as what most of my ex colleagues say, he would have said yes right?
After that, about a week later, one night, he hold my hand while we were walking.
Hold hold hold, hold till now lor. Then Yurou came out lor. 中国人厉害种田。种出一个 Baby Yurou. 😊😊😊

人变好了, 样子也会变得慈祥点。

我这样有很美吗? (Yurou's favourite line) 😂😂😂

These are my legs now... Behind the bruises are screws and scars left down from the accident.
Everything happen for a reason. Fret not, be strong, prepare yourself and have faith. Tough suituations will be smooth in no time before you know it.
Tough time dont last. Its the tough who gets going.
Hub love me despite the outlook of my leg... my now weight and my huge waist..
I have learnt a lot over the past decade. To obtained the respect, one gotta earned it. Earned it not by force nor by rank, but humility, sincerity & empathy.
Be sincere to everyone. Be it an office cleaner auntie, dish collectors in hawker centers. Not forgeting our own family members. Which we might times take them for granted.
I love you ah Teng

I love you. Even if.............

You asked me to burn my face... I still very love u. LOLS.

His smiling shot.. His name is Casper. Haha. Imagine at 50 years old, people calls him Casper...

How come so fast... Seems like yesterday he was just born...

My daughter is bullying another son (again) of the man who bullied me. 😂

Scratch, scratch, scratch ah!!
Hub came from a pretty well to do family in China. Went back with him and Yurou the last CNY. Was really looking forward then. Cos first time stayed in a village (high up in the mountain)
His hometown is in Fujian, Fuqing, Fuzhou, Yong Tai village. Long right... The address. This is summary liao lor.

My mother in law! OMG. She is the best MIL in the world. She has 3 sons. When we were there, she practically made us eat 6 to 8 meals a day! And the food she made.... Is OMG lor!
Erm... Ok. Just a little history hun, not comparing la. But thought of saying, when you came across a mean one, you will really really appreciates a good one.... My ex MIL..... she expect daughter in law to eat the last. Cos she say women's saliva is dirty? So the men in the family must eat first.
So since 16 years old, during my past marriage. I have been having the idea. That is common. And a girl's saliva is dirty? And its only right that girls should eat the last. Not even with our husband.
Untill a later part i ask my papa. Papa cry with tears in his eyes.... I know. I saw..
The funny thing is my ex MIL also has 3 sons! My ex hub is the eldest. Whereas my current hub is the youngest in the family!
Papa say usually parent dotes on the youngest one in the family?
SO SINGLE GIRLS OUT THERE, check out if your man is the youngest one before you marry! Haha! Kidding la.
Papa also say 七选八选等下选到臭龙眼!
So, aiya 随缘 la hor.

This is my lovely father in law. I love him! Its not easy for him to bring up 3 sons in the family... He is partial deaf.. And is wearing hearing aids. I am in search for good hearing aid so that the next time we go back, i can give him.
Heard from hub, his dad got beaten up by his half brother during his younger days and after that he is unable to hear properly.. 😠
I saw that uncle who did this to him last year i went back. Still dare to ask me keep a lookout for jobs in SIN for his son.
A middle finger in my heart for him.
Aiya... Hub family members were there. I needa act very refine, eat smaller scope, smile & smile. 😟
Anyway, I love to smile thou. But that kind is ...... Aiyo, I dunno how to describe. You know girls? The first time you meet your bf or husband family members? You gotta be a 淑女 x 10 times of your best behaviour right?????
Hahahaha. I hope you girls know what I meant.
When we were there. The first day, hub warned me, "tomorrow there will be alot of people coming to see you" "Cos mama received a lot of calls from them already".
I asked hub, "Hun why? See me for what"?
Hub says, China is like that one. Esp village. To them, marrying someone from the city is a big thing, let alone the family got someone marrying a Singapore girl.
And the Singapore girl is willing to stay in the village during the period!
So, I got up as early as 5am in the morning to put cement (make up) lor. Heng. I got myself ready. True enough. The first day, about 2 lorries full of relatives came to see me. I whole day 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊. Untill night time, I told hub, my face totally numb and cant move!
You thought thats only for 1 day right?
Hahaha! No lor! Thats for the whole ONE WEEK!! HAHAHAHA!!! Everyday I gotta wake up that time. And get ready to be exhibited.
But yes. I am happy. Cos I love my hub...

They are really honest and lovely parent. My hub is really xin fu (fortunate) to have them as parent....
The 3 sons wanna give their parent money is really a difficult task. A lot of struggling. Cos his parent dont want to take money from their sons. They farm & sell fruits like oranges, apples, pipa (a fruit only can be found in China i think) etc.
So they keep saying they have got enough money to use... Me & hub managed to pass them a huge sum before we left thou.
And the best part is, to them, daughter in laws are the biggest! They dotes on more than their sons! They scold their sons if anyone raise their voice at their wives?!!
How come so different one... My ex MIL told me off for not listen to my hub, thats why I will get beaten up by her son ah..
And the thing i wanted were to pay visits to my dad's place & play with my sisters only ah......

Hub and me in China last year! There, every morning I gotta make up, wear lenses lor.
Now and then, hub would jokingly say this if he ask me to do something (like pass him a cup of water or the remote control) and i refuse.
Hub: "你要多两颗门牙掉啊"?
I replied, "我不要"
Hub: "为什么不要"?
Me: "我长大了, 不给老公打了"
Loser max me. 😟

This is my hub's eldest brother. Hamsum bo? My friends say he looks like Hong Kong star.
He brought me to his farm. And I was really surprised! That my hub is the precious youngest son of a family who owns such a BIG farm!! Before I saw it with my own eyes, hub only told me that they own a farm in his hometown. And i really thought its like a field?! I didnt ask more so he didnt mention the farm's size.
I will show what farm is that later.
Let me say how big is the farm first. Use bugis village as an example? About 10 times of the whole bugis village! And thats a conservative estimation.
Was really stunned when I saw it last year. Totally overwhelmed.
When his bro brought me around the various departments in his farm, my legs almost wanna broke. No joke.

There. PIGs farm. 🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽
These little piglets are not the tiniest. I saw the most tiniest ones! But they are still being cared for in a dark, airconditioned box.
When I told my sisters at night about the farm. They laughed and say, "no wonder your husband want you, cos you look like 他们家的猪, 有亲切感"
WTH. 😠

Here are the mid size pigs. Hehehe.
The amazing part is, the place is not the least smelly! His brother has did a very good job in keeping the farm extremely clean and odourless!
And the whole farm is airconditional!
Pro hor?! I asked my hub, then dont tell me here got kill pigs..... Hub say no no no. None of the family members know how to kill one. If the family wants meat, they will still go to their customers who they sold the pigs to, then purchase them off shelves.
They only rear the pigs and sell them when they grow up.
Woo.... Heng..

When no one was besides me, i took one of myself in the farm. Hehehe.

This is their cooking place. In a wooden hut. Very village hor?! I miss the place....
After my MIL done with cooking, she will ask all 3 daughter in laws to eat. And when we were eating, both of the parent wud just place their hands down and in front of them. And stand behind the 3 couples and their children! Then whenever they see someone need water, spoon, bowl or cup, they wud quickly ran to take for us!
After much persuasion by all of us, they then sat down and eat together with us.....
我真的真的很感动, 很感恩。。Almost cant control my tears then. I felt touched as I ve been thru, not able to eat till about 11 night at my ex MIL's place, because her younger sons have not eat due to playing pc games....
So being a part in those meals, my hub family, I am feeling really touched and I did cry (overjoyed) in one night.

One of the view outside the house.
Hub says a new house was build and almost 90% done back in his hometown.
Its a 4 storeys house. Every floor theres 4 rooms. And hub says maybe somewhere this April, we might need to go back. Cos the family will throw a 1000pax feast to celebrate the birth of a new house. Like our housewarming lor.
And hub says maybe, we also need to make it a double happiness (our chinese custom wedding) at the same time.
Upon hearing this, I, "WHAT......"!!!!!!!
Told hub, have you see a PIG wearing a wedding dress?!!! 我不要啊!!!!!
Hub abit disappointed la.... He say his parent's wish for all 3 sons to get married that way. And they will not feel they are unfair to me....
I then told him ok. If really want then i gotta bring my most love de sister@qiuqiu, as my make up person. And my most love de bro in law Josh to take photos for me. With them around, I wont feel scare.
Now..... My biggest worry is....
My parent in law and eldest bro still does not know I am a divorcee with 2 kids of myself....
His 2nd bro & wife know and have seen my boys before thou.. They scolded me for looking down at myself initially. They told me its not my fault that all those happened. Thankful..
Hub told me he dont wanna tell his parent yet because they lived in village their whole life and dont want them to worry for us...
Initially i cant accept my hub not telling them about it and feels bad of keeping it from them. Had few times in an argument about this with hub.
Then one of my friend who is a PR from China. She told me, my hub is right for not telling. She added, its easy for us to say then return to Singapore. While the parent will be there with neighbours mocking at them. And they will be sad upon hearing nasty things...
Then i told hub, he can decide..

This was taken when @qiuqiu was 'drawing' miracle on me! On my ROM in 2011!

Neh. Final work. She drew till like this. Like a monkey's backside. Still not bad. Didnt know she can do so well.
I remembered when she was like 13 or 16 years old, she need to appear in Teenage magazine. I had to bring her to let professional 'draw' her face for like $40.
Karma. Now she has to 'draw' my face whenever I need her. She even has to go with me to China for the wedding! Hahaa!!! Hope Karma is used correctly here?@qiuqiu

I am gonna say this. Fans of him, dont beat me ah.... Dont throw eggs at me ah.....
I really think my hub looks like him leh.... 😍😍😍

不要打我啊.... *RUN*!!
Tuesday, 14 Jan 2014
My supportive family & friends

Some of you might think, "Eewww" so messy..... (or not at all cos my readers are superb lovely people) 😊
Here's a photo of papa helping to do the bases for 60 mini hampers for Yurou's school party! I just gave some trainings and he can do it! Papa's eyesight is falling him, but he knows if I were to do them alone, that will be till 4am! So he helped. Even he couldnt see well, he still does them patiently.....
As you can see, its a pretty small space. Papa & mama stay in a 2 room flat (one room and one hall). People used to look down on us, with us all 5 daughters and parent in a small flat.
I remembered. When I was like 7 years old, and papa did say, we were supposed to move into a 4 room flat. But at the same time, our eldest sister (13 years old then) QiuLan passed away due to a brain virus and high fever. Papa was so upset....
Then at that time, papa thinks that flat is unlucky. So he chosed to rent a 2 room flat from the government.
That is also why all of us sisters are very close.. Cos we practically sleep, play, eat, and bath together!
Ex forbids me to go to my parent house after marriage. He never eat in my parent house, because he commented that my dad's place is small and dirty!
So each time(one year once) he went during CNY, he will bring along a sulky face. And pressed me to leave after few minutes.
Somehow I can forgive my in law. But for my ex, i cant forget. Esp when my humble dad cooks for him, he refused to eat saying the food is not clean.
When he went to my dad's place, pulled my dad out from his 2 room flat and punched my dad's face after our divorce.
That time, my 3rd sis who is a prison officer told me, "Lian, this is no longer your own problem. Its a family thing. Because he just raised his hands at our dad"
As I am typing these.... My tears came running down....
Gotta stop for a while as each time i recall these. Felt myself being a great letdown. Chosed the wrong man causing great distress to my family members esp my dad..
Said sorry to my family members, pleaded my 3rd sis not to charge him. He was lost with me and 2 boys leaving him. So he doesnt know what he's doing. Finally 3rd sis said ok, but if he comes again. The family are not going to let him have his way again. 3rd sis requested to make a police record and have a medical done for papa. I did as told.
During that time, me and 2 boys continued to stay at papa's house for a year. Then managed to get another 2 room unit in the same block as papa.
The 3 of us were so happy! While I work hard to buy and gather the furnitures bit by bit. Piece by piece.

This is my mama helping with a bridal order! Haha! Gave mama the training on the mini hampers but she cant do it nicely. So she decided to give up but help me with the bridal bouquet instead.
A little history for my mum. She had a high fever when she was very young. And doc says that influrence her brain somehow, causing her to think like a 10 yr old child at times.
But dont see her like that, when I needed money to pay the lawyer fees for my divorce, she gave me wor.
Along the way I tell myself, I have to work, work, work and work very very hard. Dont care liao. I just have to. In order to give my parent and sons a better life. And not to let my sisters worry for me anymore...
Now my youngest sis always say I am her inspiration. She wanna be like me. Have a good career with a good position. Haha. Mai lah 👋 Arbo, you just stay as a cute bimbo k. 💖💟

Final works of the mini hampers!

And final work of a artificial flowers bouquet for a customer! (If she is a follower, she will know her bouquet is not only a bouquet. It is made up with a mother's love)
Not easy to put together a bouquet using artificial flowers cos of the metal stems. 😊 But we love to. And cos Little Thoughts have a pair of supportive parent behind the scene!

As I continued my HR practise during those years. Heres a photo of my classmates's comments for me... 😊😊 Attended Leadership Management class for a year. That course is really expensive wor. Almost 10k... But worth it. 😊 Brings my management skills to a higher level.
The comments are really over said thou. Hehehehe. Classmates are being nice. They are mostly directors / managers. Humble people most important.
One of the subject taught was humble leadership. Love. Learnt alot.

Now I am thankful. My phone easily have a lot of photos with me and my colleagues cum friends (now considered ex colleagues wor). They love me and I love them. They more see me like a big sister than their Manager. Cos they always 'snooked' me? Make fun of me! Hahahaha!!!! But i 犯贱. I love every bit of it!!
The best is, they all call me 四姐 even at work! They confide in me with things that you will never tell your HR person...

A 'special gift' I got on my birthday! Aiyo... How can buy this for me. (Thou i love la😍) But i am HR pro leh!

One taken with the Director 😍😍😍

A screenshot from a video on my last day..they did a video (title: Pearl last day) on youtube. Some cry like I'm dying. 😭😚

Another screen shot in the video😭😭😭 Got music somemore.

The girl with a tissue, crying is my BFF. Sampat lor she. Made me cry too.
These are my lovely friends....
As said, how one is being treated is always the reflection of how one treat others. Sincerity is the key to all success and paths. No short cut. One gotta do it first before others can do it for you.
我们高高在上的时候, 不可看处于底处的人笑话或不存在。
如果处于底处的时侯, 也不需感叹生活带来的不愉快。只需要一直努力, 以诚心和诚意对待每一个人, 每一件事。所有的努力必定会带给自己和身边的人更多欢笑。
我感恩。感恩自己在过去的磨练, 经过的一切。
有些路我走错了, 走长了。可是如果不是这些。今天的我不会懂得感恩。懂得爱身边的每一个人。

A photo of me & Yurou during a recruitment fair. Papa brought Yurou there to find me. 😍😍😍 That is our papa. Always supportive.

3 of us. 😍😍😍
We share shoes, clothes (me out now cos out of shape), share make ups, share food, share pinky stuff, share gossips, share practically everything except our man. Lolololols.

We do funny stunts

5 of us.
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