Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Pearl's New Candyland_Part 4

So after 7 years a younger sister came into my life....😍😍 

THE BIGGEST LOVE in my life😍

My 5th sister, Ah Teng.😁 Before her 'construction' works.😂😂😂 

Doo. This 'alien'👇😂

Ever since she came, all attention went to her... Felt pretty left out because she is a 'difficult' baby. As in difficult to look after. So everyone got to give her more attention.  And I was often tasked to look after her.

Then me be like..... 
Like Yurou's face👆 Lols.

Actually not really lah... Teng was so weird when she was a baby. Only thing that can stop her cries was to swaddle her 'HARD' in the swinging 'yao lan'! Then she will stop crying immediately. 😐 After school dajie (eldest sister) would asked me to swaddle the yao lan for SOooooo long till many times I fall asleep but Teng cried the minute I stopped😠 So I got up again swaddle, and again. And again...... Urghhhhh.😠

So. Yup. Basically that was my kind of life and that kind of life went on for about 1.5 years. LOLOLS. Thats one of the reason why I 'T.L' this baby sister when she was born. 

But seeing her growing, from baby to kindergarten. Was tasked to bring her back from her pre-school almost everyday. I grew to love her more and more...

Teng was so weird. She dont like to talk much. Very reserve and quiet.... She is always sitting quietly at one corner without interacting with anyone.😔 Asked her why we dont see her having friends and why we never see her be friends with her classmates?She never answer me. When she was in primary school, I kept telling her, "You need to make friends ok. Dont be like sijie. No friends one"😁

Erm.... Really. From primary 3 onwards I dont eat in the canteen. I'll buy finger food then hid in one of the cubicle in the toilet. Then ate those food till the bell rings. Cos just dont like the idea of eating with a bunch / seeing everyone eating with their BFF / in pairs. Haha. I also dont know why.

So yup. i dont have good friends nor BFF from 5 years old (the age when I still have memories) to primary school.😂

So I worry my sister will be like me.😅

When Teng was in Secondary. Came to know a few names of her friends. Most commonly heard name in the family is Michelle. Was so happy when I know ah Teng got friends and knowing she interacts with them. Always told her to just go out with them, told her sijie got money. Gave her money whenever she and niau niau got excursion. (Dont know if they remember😁)

During my excursion trips in primary school. I dont know why papa never give me money. Or is I was too blur to know whats going on and ask papa for more money. 😅 During those trips, my friends were all having mac for lunch. My Teacher asked me why I didn't buy. Told her, "No. No. I am not hungry. 😓 Then I'll hide in the toilet for some time and acted all full when I was out of the toilet.😂 Actually I was KP hungry😂" Ya. Was like this since young like this. Never like to ask for help.

So I worry she be like me....

Love her so much. And it amazed me that she is so sensible since she was small. She never wanted anything from parents or her eldest sisters. Not even when we wanted to give her some money and kept asking her to go and enjoy some outings with her friends. She doesnt want.... She is always keeping her problems to herself not wanting to let us worry. So since she was very small we often got to tell her "Teng 你有什么事要讲不可以放在心里面,我们可以一起解决" (if there is anything, you got to tell us. So that we can solve it together) 

Her reply would often be "没有事" (there's nothing) smilingly. Always ensure us there's really nothing, everything is all right, no need to worry about her. On another hand, sanjie bully me so much when we were both small. "Arbo tio pinch. Arbo tio hammer" (A little pinch from her here and few 'boxes' there)

Actually I should have vent on Ah Teng hor?😅
But no. That didn't happened. Cos she is such a dear sister...... 
Actually, there is one thing I dont dare to say is, she used to be an ugly duckling. Which is also the reason why I worry so much that nobody wanna befriend her.😓 Cant help having this thought, "is it my sister not cute and pretty that's why she has no friends" 😛

Teng was not cute at all when she was a little girl unlike niau niau.🤑 Niau is like the sweet cheery little girl we all love. Teng was like a frowning old hag in a child's body.😅😂😂😂 Really leh! Dont know why she was so quiet and like forever frowning?! 😂

In my heart all worries for her back then. Goodness😂 

Worry about her looks (only thing i never say), 😆 Her head is big like a diamond shape turn upside down.😂 And her hair is super lion king dry, curly and pong pong.😄(explosive) But she has the most beautiful heart. 

When I was hospitalized and out of coma, I saw her talking to the old grandmother next to my bed. She accompanied her for so long..... After Teng returned to my bed, I asked her why she stay there for so long. Teng told me the old auntie very poor thing.. Nobody come and visit her and her children all don't care about her... 

This is my sister. She seems to be not a caring person on the outside. But she is definitely one.

An old picture of the boys and my 2 sisters. Ah Bong still a baby....

During that time, the only thing I look forward was my sisters came to accompany me over the weekends. Cos ex don/t like me to go to my parent’s house. He thinks my parent’s house is dirty and don't like me to give my parents money. We would often quarrel when it comes to these. And Ah Teng know I will be very happy when they come. So she would bring niau niau to the house often during the weekends…

Teng weighs only about 35kgs here.😂 Wrote about how Teng saved my life here with herself weighing at 35kgs: My story 

I wouldn't be here typing this if not for her.. Death cause would be fallen to death from 7th floor. lols. I love my family...... They gave me the strength and support to continue my life. Ah Teng was very happy when she know I chose to accept Christ many years ago. She see how much I've changed. My thoughts and the faith He restored onto me. How it humbled her sister.

She is so funny right! So yucky still do these pose.😂

Knew all along she hates her hair. We don't know how to help her.... So told her that I heard by shaving botak all and the new hairs will be all good and smooth.😓 And she really had the courage to do it! Imagine at about 12 years old she really went botak!😲 Now when I ask Yurou how about shaving a botak? Since she would complain about hot. She'll cry! Lolols. But dont my sister feel anything? Actually she do I know. She didnt show simply because she dont want us to worry. This is her.

We don't know what she can do or how we can help until rebonding started to came out and was a hit! Asked her if she want to do that? Rebond her hair? She couldn't believe it she can do that! Cos the cost was $120. You know hun, 20 years ago that price is expensive. She don't want me to spend so much and rejected me many times. Told her to just go. Made an appointment and brought her to the salon. 😁 She love it so much and was all grateful and touched.... 😁 Pong sai gao (lion king) finally became princess😂 but for some time only.... Haha! Cos her hair was so curly and explosive!


Some friends, colleagues and a Mentor text me since yesterday to this morning. They sent me the same thing, a link. Here: http://todayonline.com/singapore/popular-blogger-sued-social-media-firm-breach-contract

People who know me will know how much I love Teng and the importance of her well being to me. They know too well, that hurting this little sister of mine is as good as hurting me. Much worst to be exact. Hurting me is fine actually. Cos am considered 'well-trained' over the years. My thick skin + thick layer of fats is like a bullet proof vest covering my internal organs.

Was informed by superior that the Company would like to offer me the position of Human Resource Manager last year, 4 March. He asked me if I could start work immediately. Told him sorry am afraid cant because my sister will be giving birth in a few days time and after that, I'll have to be with her for at least a week cos is her first time. Perhaps to many it seems weird?😅

Indeed superior (now Mentor) felt weird, asked me, "Erm.. Why do you need to be with her? Where is her husband?" 😁 He went on telling me that is pretty urgent and he need me to come in earlier. (That moment in my head was, "Passion/Money or Sister"?) Because honestly, am a HR person myself. There is a high chance of employer changing their mind about hiring me. Finally decided, no. My sister is way too important to me. So told him am sorry, but am only able to start a week after she gave birth. Then I realized, is it me having separation anxiety not my sister?😆  Cos Teng kept telling me to go ahead and start my work. But I really cant bear to part with her....😭😅

Hearing my rejection, Mentor then suggested that commencement date can be on 5 March and may be on leave for a week after my sister gave birth. So I agreed. With lots of assurance from Teng that she will be fine.😔 

Sunday 8 March 2015, Meredith came into this world. The same day which is also the soft opening of a new outlet. All corporate Executives and above were invited to the soft opening with their family. Told Mentor I might be attending for a while only after my sister gave birth if, still in time.😅 Hahaha. In the end I didnt because again. I cant bear to leave... 

They all must have thought what kind of weird person I am? Everything also my sister.😁 

As months passed, my colleagues all came to know my story. So they now know why was I behaving that way that time and understand why and how much my sister mean to me. 

Mentor went on to pursue his passion months ago. He is a super busy man. But despite his busy schedule, he sent me this today;

Mentor is one super smart person! He know for sure I'll be very worried. Not Ah Lian's Mentor for nothing ok. 

Retrieved from the article,;

Points picked from the article;

1. Contract ended on March 21, 2016 after 3 years.
2. Notice period of about 6 to 7 months was provided by my sister.
3. Auto Renewal Clause without Termination rights by one party (my sister). Termination rights and 'justification' to terminate only belongs to one party.

Now wonder how many of you have entered into a contract? Be it Employment Contract, Leasing/Tenancy Contract etc. 

Did countless of Employment contracts given my occupation as a HR & Admin practitioner, many friends and relatives would often come to me for advise and help on their employment contracts. 

Questions imposed by them would often be;

"My employer terminated my service without compensation. Is this legal?"

Would usually ask more questions to have a better understanding before providing any advice;

a) any previous records of disciplinary and what's the nature if yes. 
b) any major gross misconduct committed? If yes, any admittance acknowledgement? 
c) any stipulated clauses in Company policy manual defining between minor / major misconduct? 
d) was the policy clauses / handbook acknowledged?

In my sister's case, am really surprised she didn't even tell us she is entering into this contract. Had she told us, I would have gone with her before she even sign it. How can there be an auto renewal clause and the termination rights only fall onto one party.

So it all came to public with them posting a statement first. here. is the statement.

Screen shot from link;

When this came out in August, papers started to contact my sister for interview but she chose not to respond about anything related to the court case.

First, they post this public statement, out-rightly naming my sister and accusing her of breach etc. 

It goes like this;

"Ms Ang Chiew Ting, commonly known as “Bong Qiu Qiu” entered into an agreement with Churp Churp in March 2013 where she agreed to have Churp Churp exclusively manage, negotiate and enter into all commercial, advertising and promotional transactions offered by third parties to her in relation to her social media accounts"

1st thing that came to my mind was, my sister did NOT sign a life time contract. I hope? As what the article on TODAY mentioned, her three years contract has ended in March 2016. The article mentioned, there's an "auto renewal" clause of which the contract can only be terminated by one party. 

If so, the auto renewal will be until when? No ending if the only party who has the rights to terminate says no? 

Clients and nice people behind good brands (companies) send us products all the time. I know this sister of mine. She would always give her best to post a "thank you" on her platforms if the received products are of use to her or they are really good stuff or/and people who are nice making the arrangement. 

Ah Teng would also snap pictures when she came across good food/products while shopping then casually post it on her platforms. We pay and share something organically with people because they are really good and simply because we are thankful. Are these considered breach too? 

I do received free items too, sometimes it's just a small cake, but we really like it / appreciate the effort of the people who bother to think of us during festive seasons/whenever they have new products. Sharing about products / services in our (or even Ah Teng's) social media platforms like how influencers are doing is perfectly normal. How is that so wrong? 

My sister can only post things when they are paid adverts? She is not a sellout. Her body and mind is not contracted nor owned by anyone else. Even the most famous artist in the world has his/her rights in these simple bits of life too. Let alone my sister.

I do have an agent handling my advertorials, engagements, collaborations too. But they don't owned me. They don't need me to report everything to them so that they could pitch and earn the commission before I can or allowed to post anything. They even encouraged me to be what I am, kind. Awwwww😍 Aiyo.... Bo lah.... Mai ar ni kong lah wei.... (aiyo... No lah... dont say like that lah...😖😂)

Was offered a contract too. But i never signed to date. Because I am too tied up and they never have any problem with me engaging with any others. In fact they always encourage me to. So we both agreed that the contract would not be fostering our relationship but instead a high chance ruining it. 

For example, me or my sister bought a good lipstick that we love it so much for all its goodness. Been searching high and low for that particular shade. We excitedly took a picture of it and post on OUR instagram and caption : 

"OH MY! Been searching everywhere for this color from @BRAND for so long! Finally found it! So happy...😍😍😍 Thank you #BRAND for creating this color which makes me head over heels with!"

Cannot? Ah Teng have to send email to inform beforehand? Imagine this:

"Hi, I would like to post a product for free from @BRAND that I like very much. Can or not?"

Then what? Agency reply: "Cannot. We have to contact that brand ask if they can pay for your post or not first" Like that ah?! Cannot be right.

No one owned us. They only pay us for our service by sharing base on our credibility.. I don't have to report everything I do to any agency as long as I respect my part of the contract as pre-agreed between us. UNLESS, it was pre-informed that I have to do so to avoid any possible clash of clients etc. 

"Since then, much resources and efforts were invested by us in her."

@pearlang is not famous with 32k followers in my instagram. I let my agent manage my collaborations simply because I AM SIBEI GANPUA BUSY. And my agent is one steady. They never dare to say they groomed me. Groom what? 32k followers is all because I chio and cute ok😂 Hahaha no lah... I know many either love my girls, there are quite a handful of Ah Bong and Ah Wu's supporters too. lols. I know. I know.

So tell me. My agent's effort or mine? Unless they either groomed me at the time when I had barely 50 followers? OR they helped me gave birth to my kids? Or they can write like me? Full of spelling and gramma errors? Can't be right? 😂😁

They pitched (which is part of their job) then they gave me jobs and I do my job then they get their commission/a cut from doing their job. Many times I referred to them when emails contacted me directly. So what else? 

I believe Ah Teng started with much more than what I have. So this "groomed her" makes me wonder other than doing the sales pitching with an obvious intention (Sales) what was done for her in terms of grooming her? Now say who groomed who? "Its ok, you are 'WELCOME'"

The article in TODAY mentioned

"As for her counterclaims, Ms Ang said that while ChurpChurp was bound by the agreement to promote her website, it did not fulfill this obligation. " 😁😂👍👏👏👏

If my agent one day let me find out they reject any collaborations just to freeze me because I would not be renewing my collaborations with them. I will tell them "Mai hor limpeh kuar tio li. Arbo kuar li tih bai limpeh par li tih bai. Whahaha! It means "dont let me see you outside else see you one time limpeh beat you one time" (a joking way of Ah Lian style of talking)😁 But nah. The people (bosses of the company) I work with are carefully selected. They have lotsa intergrity and we share the same views in many areas "Win Win'. But most important is righteousness. You think its easy to work with a HRM who is a Ah Lian? 😂 But 出来混的, 我们讲的是义气。😤 Every cause is both ways. It is not right for anyone to break another's rice bowl in such manner. 

Then this in August 2016, was from an article released by ChurpChurp.
"In breach of this agreement, She had entered into more than 30 commercial, advertising and promotional agreements with others without having Churp Churp negotiate the said transactions and without Churp Churp’s knowledge nor approval."

This is a statement brought across before hearing or even finalization of the entire matter. You cant do that. To me, I feel it is not right. For its causing a wrong perception of the matter.

And this ;
"Despite many attempts to amicably resolve the matter, she continued to willfully ignore her contractual obligations. We are left with no choice but to commence legal proceedings against her."

Although my sister do not want us to worry, a little bird in the family told me that my sister did tried reaching out to them so many times, hoping to talk and settle this amicably so I don't understand what is willfully ignore contractual obligations.

And this ;
"Now that the matter is before a Court of law, we respect the legal process and will leave the matter to be settled in Court accordingly."

If one respect the legal process, one will not publish this right at a start and defame my sister for a breach without even going through the proper trial and have a conclusion. Doings of only Hypocrites would. On the other hand, newspapers and reporters have already called her up after seeing the statement and she RESPECT the law and believe in justice therefore did not breath a word at that time.

To even proceed to the actual trial requires a lot of time and money. I have given all my savings and cancelled a family trip which the tickets were bought before my sister received the writ. Lost a sum of 15k in total on this trip includes air tickets and accommodation. Because we don't have any extra to go for the trip so I have no choice but to call off the trip.

We all sisters agreed to let papa visit more places at least twice a year, while he still can. As in still not too old to walk or feeling breathless if he walk for too long. So this year is my turn. Told papa sorry... It would be at least 2 years me and hub might not be able to bring him for long holidays. Papa ensured us he is perfectly fine. He keep telling us he don't care about these so long as we all sisters are closely together. But I know he just don't want us to feel sad about it. Although papa don't really affected or sad that the trip was called off but this is something that me and hub have saved for the past 2 years.

Our money is mostly gone now. Am not shy to say or even show my updated bank book. Some might be laughing seeing this. Laugh, if laughing makes you feel like a winner.

The sum of $900 is the amount I gave papa yesterday for his Dec allowance. Used to give him $1500 each month. But balance have to pay monthly house installment. Yes, I may be broke. But I am not 'broken' Because I am His child. With the strength He bestowed onto me is far from one can imagine of. 

And know what? Righteousness has no boundaries, no limitation. Always believe, "When one is at his greatest height/highest peak, proud not. When one is at his bottom, fret not" For He has His plans for each and everyone of us.

Today you may have won. You might be all happy about winning. But if your winnings is not built up of righteous, think of the number of people you have caused misery, the helpless thought you have brought upon to them with your unscrupulous ways. I hope you are happy.

We all know and witness, this is the last thing my sister wanted. She never want her family members to suffer financial woes because of her. She had tried countless times to recon this. But were all deliberately ignored/patronized. She did no one wrong.

Since her matter has come to this stage, she has no other choice but to proceed the necessary according to the flow. Given all these, if you ask me. I would say the only wrong she did was to have trusted the wrong people.

I pray that my sister will be freed from these unnecessary worries soon. As for people who comment that my sister should admit the whole thing and accept instead of going to suit. I hope all of you who comment that have a little common sense/knowledge and have a taste of at least one time receiving a writ. May you also accept every accusation/claim against you gracefully.

And to people who have contributed in this? God bless you. May you be happy and feel accomplish and complete with your life. 

My baobei.... Had a bad fall with her mother.😭 We are so thankful they are fine.

The person you have been hurting time and time again is an auntie who love her nieces and nephews dearly. 

And her nieces & nephews loves her dearly too.

Someone who stand by your side when there were disputes with the rest. So this is what she get in return? All her savings and her family's savings are used up because once and once again you mentioned to so many people you want her bankrupt. Even after her bankruptcy, you will still continue to sue her until she can't even buy milk powder for her child. Hearing those makes me cant help but have a thought "Wah this one simply has no regards for our law system? Got money BIG ah?! 

On the surface is one pretenting all supportive of system. in the inner full of dirt and abusing it. Now Ah Lian is still tolerating and controlling. And I everyday pray for more tolerance. I also scare of the inner self in me. But when it goes beyond what I can endure? 😊 That would be a 'naked' one. Because I honestly don't give a shit how rich one is. 

I have fear only if I lied. Cannot lie because I hamji (no guts). I scare when its time for me to meet Him. I cant account for. And only Him can tame me down. Not even my parents.

I used to know this ex friend. He used to manage my engagements. We are no longer friends because he is like a women in a guy's body. His heart is full of vengeful thought translated into actions, so bad  that he would often speak ill of his partners and friends who are also friends of mine. 

I didn't want to continue the friendship because I didn't want to be with someone this toxic and most importantly his friends were also my friends. One day, he told his paid subordinates that he wanted to be getting paid engagements too. Meaning he instructed his men to pitch sales for him with companies. And he reprimanded them for not doing so. He is serious to be the next top influence blogger.

I was shocked and still in shock till now.

A sudden thought of sharing, we have to be cautious in choosing people we want to hang out with. I don't have BFF nor even friends. I don't hang out with friends often. Because many times I will steer clear when a person started to bad mouth another common friend.

We all need to know one thing. This person can tell us something about others. He/She will also tell others about us. This is a toxic everyone should be avoiding at all cost. This is one of the reason why I don't have much friends. There are 2 friends I have to date though. One of them name Fiona. Fiona is my friend since secondary. 

She has the same surname as hub. She was my bridesmaid to my previous marriage. A sincere and straight forward person who would never bitch about me nor others. Many times she would speak up for others despite the person who share with her the gossiping is angry. Now, this is a true person we all want to be with. We seldom contact but I want her to know she won my respect and is always ranked number one in my heart.

Ok this is random. Back to my lovely sister.

Yuxuan love ah Teng too.

With ah Teng's ongoing case, it brings our family closer than before. We pray all be blessed with good people surrounding us and lesser grudges between human. 

May we all be forgiving to the ones who hurt us and others be to us too. We will not be perfect in some ways others may want us to be. But before we hurt anyone, we think this way. Everyone has their parents and family members who love them for who they are. Hurting them may causes hurt and implicate their old/little ones at home in some ways.

My sister really is a nice person... She is only sampat and a little cray cray... She love her family and always put us in the first place before herself or anything. Please forgive her if she did anything that hurt you in any way. 

Everyone just calm down and think. What are the possible factors causes the misunderstanding. 

Are there any possible sabotage from third parties?

Hahahaha my bro in law. It is rare to see him involving in the stunts by his sampat wife.
He just want to cheer up his wife.

Apple of my eye is growing up.... 

She is so at it. When you flash your cam at her, she'll give you lotsa different styles. Like Mother like daughter this one. 

It is not easy sijie know. But with our hands together and continue to stay righteous all will be good.

Both my parents are getting on with age and their health are not the best now.. 
Mama and papa both just got in and out of hospital with more and more frequent checkups..
This is one thing which will make me cry.

I can never imagine how I can take it. Never. Told Niau Niau to send papa photos the other day. 
Cos I was working and I miss him so much...

Secretly took a shot of this. This is how she hold papa's hand everywhere. 

See? I told you all liao. She is very good lah..... Just a bit kong lah... But.. 
What to do... I cant chose my sister right? God gave me her to be my sister.... 

Agreed to several engagements the past months. Good products at the same time can earn some extra. Not bad. Cos ah lian bank account is back to the basic liao. Hahaha. 
But I am still happy and feeling blessed. 

We love our PURSOFT! NEW scent is power. Mozzies all gone.

Wah this picture my neh neh like quite big hor? lolols.

Chose Love. My love is this Revlon Ultra HD Matte Lipcolor!

4 new nice shades!

Talk about act virgin. Who can win me? 
NO ONE. NO ONE OK. hahahaha!

Sunny Jiejie say hi! Hahaha!

One of my princess #heyuxuan
Seeing their smile, knowing they are well makes me feel blessed than anything else.

Korea and Japan, please wait for sijie and my whole family. We will come and visit you soon ok! Maybe after 2 or 3 more years when bank account recovers from the recent shock.😂 

Parents, me, hub and my kids haven't been to these 2 countries to date. Why these 2? Me and Casper so wanna go Japan hearing the loveliness of what sisters and friends been sharing to us. Korea is papa's choice. Haha. Give me time. I'll be back! Hehehe.

That's all for now till the final part to be continued. 

Thank you for reading. Sijie love you all kind people.

Sijie aka pearlang aka Dua Bui Lian aka Lao Lian😊
Last update: 30/11/2016, 8.30am

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Being a working mother to 4 kids (at different age groups), time management is very important to me. 

Don’t believe in making time. We all should be scheduling our time effectively. So, usually my schedule will be planned a month in advance. However, there are times no matter how well I plan my time, there are bound to be hiccups.

For example, last week papa was admitted to hospital due to low potassium. Yuxuan was sick for a week plus and mama was also required to visit the clinic weekly due to low potassium too. Managing the time was indeed challenging. Especially that was also 3rd week of the month, high peak for my day work as the HR person for a group of businesses. Payroll processing week. Wah…. I tell you…. This is the time I wish there are clones of me or I have eight hands doing everything at one go.

My normal schedule during a weekday (Mon to Fri);

·         Wake up at 6am, out of the house at 7am
·   Travel from Yishun to Commonwealth. Reached office at 8.30am
·         6.30pm knock off. Reached home about 8pm.
·        3rd week of the month. Would usually knock off at about 8.30pm. Reached home 9.30pm.
·         Bath, eat and settle the girls at about 10.45pm.

As for my weekends, would usually love to reserve my time for the kids. So, time is considered fully filled during the weekends too. Sending Yurou for her weekly piano and dancing classes, preparing their food and feeding Yuxuan, making sure they are occupied with activities, shopping for groceries with hub etc. etc… and the list goes on…😲

On some weekdays, I reach home after work pretty late, so sometimes I’ll just postpone the chores to weekends. But this is so sian… Especially when the girls are looking forward to their activities but have to wait for me to finish the chores.😣

With a busy schedule like mine, I honestly do not have much time for household chores especially laundry which can take up hours of my time. Not too sure about you ladies, but I like to look out for products that promise results fast and also easy to use.

Recently, I tried this ultra-concentrated liquid detergent, Attack Quick Clean and found my love!😍

Because I no longer have to spend the unnecessary time in the extra steps when I do the washing! 😉

And I no longer have to squat to scoop the washing powder from the tub or carry a huge and heavy bottle just to pour the liquid detergent out. They are so heavy….! Most of them! Because Attack Quick Clean bottle is light and do not need so much space!❤

Here’s the cabinet where we used to put our cleaning detergent, powder, softener etc etc.

Don’t do this ok. Like a mess. Lols.😂

Attack Quick Clean does not take up a lot space at the laundry area with its small pack size. Keeps my laundry area neat and tidy! Cos you don’t need so many steps or long hours of washing to achieve clean, soft and nice smelling apparels.❤

NO MORE long hours of scrubbing and soaking our clothes to remove stains!

This ease our grocery shopping too! NO MORE hugging the heavy 4kg bottle/bag of washing powder! Most importantly, totally effortless during the washing! The bottle is so light and easy for everyone to use! We just pour!👍

BUT still. Most important thing to do is to separate hub’s uniforms before washing.😲

Cos they are super…… oily, dirty and smelly… 😂

Hub is a Baker in the production team.

Hub always comes home with his work uniform and his uniform are often greasy, brownish and super smelly. Sometimes I almost wanna puke. Lolols. 

Especially, he always put them in his bag and even his bag stinks. After using Attack Quick Clean on his uniforms and of cos, his bag he told me “this is good!” It really can remove the greasy stains and odour very well!👍👍👍
Not just my hubby, everyone in the family now loves the clothes I wash because there are no stains and smell so fresh! 😍

Don’t see that this bottle is so small. It actually lasts me about 1 month! It lasted almost the same as my old big detergent bottles/packs because I use more. Now, one small cap can wash a full load of clothes. Washing clothes is not time consuming anymore. 😍

Last time I will need at least half a day to soak some clothing especially hub’s uniforms. Best is one day of soaking. Normal clothing will also need at least 1.5 hours.

Now with Attack Quick Clean, it just takes me 45 minutes to complete the entire process including the soaking time which is just 3 minutes!😲

Bong washing his uniforms and his stepfather’s.😍😍😍

My 2nd son……. Is love….❤

While waiting for Ah Bong to complete the rest….. 

Me and Yurou do our stuff.

Hahaha… Yes. This is call work life balance. Work half time, another half let others do. 😂

Attack Quick Clean is 3 times more concentrated than the regular liquid detergent. Actually many including myself are sceptical to use an ultra-concentrated detergent. Cos we would think whether the chemical might be harmful to our skin given its highly concentrated, would it be too harsh and may end up damaging the clothes, or a small bottle can be used up very quickly etc.

Ah Lian tried and tested. All these concerns are out.

It’s so white, clean and soft…..❤

Attack Quick Clean Ultra Concentrated Liquid Detergent, my choice for the family.


Please go and buy a bottle to try ok! It’s about $5.95 a bottle! 

My son see me tired quickly came to hang the clothes to dry. ‘heart’

SEE THIS LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta37bXOGPHg for a video to see how fast Attack Quick Clean can break down stains!

You can REDEEM a sachet sample of Attack Quick Clean (for one wash) HERE!  www.bit.ly/attackquickcleanpearlang

For more information on ATTACK QUICK CLEAN, visit www.kaolaundry.com.sg

ON 17 Nov and 25 Nov Time: 12-2pm